
Leverage to test the resiliency of multi k8s cluster workloads in a private cloud.

HaloDoc is a healthcare network platform. HaloDoc connects users to a network of 19,000 licensed doctors, 1,000 certified partner pharmacies through medical delivery service ApotikAntar, and licensed medical laboratory services.

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Why we explored Litmus?

We wanted a tool that we could leverage to test the resiliency of multi k8s cluster workloads in a private cloud, after evaluating different tools of similar flavor, we wanted to exercise our chaos experiments using Litmus, as it has the following benefits.

  • It is designed for Kubernetes workload
  • It has a wide range of chaos experiments to perform on k8s workload and Infrastructure
  • It has litmus portal as a control plane to target chaos experiments against multiple k8s clusters within our organization.
  • It has Prometheus integration, able to see in the litmus portal dashboard how each of the workflow chaos experiments performs.
  • It fits into our gitops flow to enable end-to-end automation.

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    How we use litmus?

    At Halodoc we use Litmus to validate the resiliency of our private aws managed eks by covering the following areas.

  • Testing resiliency of Control plane Kubernetes Infrastructure
  • Validating the HA of different control plane services
  • Target SRE tools at k8s clusters, benchmark it based on several parameters.

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    Benefits in using Litmus.

    Litmus has a wide variety of chaos experiments for Kubernetes workload and Infrastructure and provides a very easy way for end-to-end automation of resiliency test cases.

    Chaos Engineering made easy

    Litmus is highly extensible and integrates with other tools to enable the creation of custom experiments. Kubernetes developers & SREs use Litmus to manage chaos in a declarative manner and find weaknesses in their applications and infrastructure.

    Get started with Litmus